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| 'Aerohobby'
[Lineu Carneiro Saraiva, ISSN ? ]
Sub-titled 'Incorpora a Revista do Manche'. Quarterly enthusiasts magazine, available by subscription. Concentrates on civil airlines and commercial aircraft in Brazil. Launched in 2002 to replace 'Revista do Manche', but with better printing quality. Contains information and photos on aviation in Brazil and neighboring countries. The publication records what it is happening in aviation at the present time, but has as a main objective to detach historical facts, curious and unknown, and is illustrated with rare photos. It still has the sections Embraer news, Brazilian Aeronautical Register, Airport Movements, among others.
Further information: Lineu Carneiro Saraiva, Cx. Postal 140, Rio Claro, SP, Cep: 13500-971, Brasil. Tel: (19) 534-1891. Aerohobby |
| 'Aero Magazine'
[CLC - Comunicacoes, Lazer, Cultura S.A, ISSN ? ]
Monthly magazine covering private flying and General Aviation. At least 82 issues have been published. Previously published by Editora Nova Cultural Ltda.
Further information: Rua Paes Leme, 524 - 10 andar, 05424-010 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil. Tel: 55/11/851-3644 Ext: 263 or 293 Fax: 55/11/282-7003. Aero Magazine website |
| 'Aerovisäo'
[Forca Aerea Braziliera, ISSN 1518-8396]
Quarterly magazine for members of the Brazilian Air Force. No.206 was dated Jan/Feb/Mar 2003. First launched in 1972. Recent issues are available in PDF format on the website. Covers all the diverse activities of the FAB.
Further information: Aerovisao |
| 'Airway'
[JCC Editorial Ltda, ISSN ? ]
Bi-monthly publication. At least 7 issues published around the year 2000. Commercial aviation biased magazine, but with substantial coverage of military aircraft types and the aviation industry in general. Also included features on interesting historic aircraft types.
Ceased Publication
Further information: Website: Airway |
| 'Asas'
[Revista Asas, ISSN ? ]
Subtitled 'Revista de Cultura e História da Aviação' (Magazine for the Culture and History of Aviation). Monthly magazine covering civil and military aviation, both past and present. The majority of feature articles cover Brazilian topics, while the remainder focus on subjects from other parts of the world. A regular column on aircraft plastic modelling is included. Issue 8 was published in August 2002.
Further information: Asas website |
| 'Aviacao em Foco'
[ ?, ISSN ? ]
Bi-monthly magazine? Published between 1989 and 1996, reaching at least issue 35.
Ceased Publication |
| 'Aviacao em Revista'
[Aviacao em Revista Editora Ltda, ISSN 0102-4876]
Monthly aviation trade magazine. Covers all aspects of aeronautical activity. 'Aviacao Em Revista' is the pioneer Aerospace media in Latin America, being in circulation since February 1938. The company also issues annual guides that provide a survey of the Aeronautics market and activities in Brazil, with targeted information which makes them important databases and efficient business tools for aeronautical businessmen and enthusiasts. These comprise: Anuario Aeroespacial Brasileiro (Brazilian Aerospace Yearbook): annual, published in January; Guia de Aeroclubes e Aerodesportos: annual, published in September; Guia do Taxi Aereo: annual, published in May; Guia de Oficinas e Manutencao: annual, published in November; Guia de Aviacao Agricola: annual, published in July; Guia do Helicoptero: annual, published in March.
Further information: Aviacao em Revista Editora Limited, Rua da Consolacao, 1992 - 10 andar, Sao Paulo, 01302-000 Brasil. Tel: +55 (11) 3257-0577, Fax: +55 (11) 3257-0577. Website: Aviacao em Revista, e-mail: |
| 'Aviao Revue'
[Motor Press Brasil Editora Ltda, ISSN ? ]
General interest monthly aviation magazine. First issue dated October 1999. Covers the full range of civil and military aviation, both national and international. It is published simultaneously in Brazil, Spain and in Spanish language countries in Latin America.
Further information: Rua Benjamin Mota, 86 Sao Paulo, 04757-070 Brasil. Tel: +55 (11) 5641-3454, Fax: +55 (11) 5641-3858. Aviao Revue website |
| 'Brasil Modelismo'
[Editora Bruno Ltda., ISSN 1414-8234]
Modelling magazine which covers scale modelling and flying model aircraft. First published 1998. Issue 32 was dated May/June 2003.
Further information: Editora Bruno Ltda, Caixa Postal 6.671, Campinas, SP. CEP: 13084-970. TEL: 19-3289.4028 / FAX: 19-3249.0478. Website: Brasil Modelismo |
| 'Commando'
[Editora Magnum, ISSN ? ]
Magazine published during 1991. At least 7 issues published. No further information.
Ceased Publication |
| 'Em Escala'
[IPMS-Brazil, ISSN ? ]
Quarterly scale plastic modelling magazine published during the 1980s and originally titled Revista (see below). Includes photos, markings details and scale drawings for aircraft in Brazilian Air Force service. Some branch news and kit reviews. Later reverted to its original title (see below).
Ceased Publication |
| 'Espejo Aeronautico'
[Espejo Aeronautica, ISSN ? ]
Subtitled 'Revista de Defensa'. Founded in 1992. At least 22 issues published - which seems a very low number for more than 10 years of publishing. The website is not very helpful in describing the contents of the magazine.
Further information: Website: Espejo Aeronautico |
| 'Flap Internacional'
[Flap SA, ISSN 0046-404X]
Subtitled 'Revista de Aviação da América Latina' (Aviation Magazine for Latin America). Launched in October 1962 under the title 'Flap', it was renamed 'Flap Internacional' in 1972 and is now over 39 years old. Regarded as the most authoritative and respected magazine on aviation affairs published in Latin America. Monthly magazine covering all aspects of aviation worldwide, with an emphasis on the Latin American region. Extensive news coverage for all segments of the aviation industry, plus feature articles on current topics and some historical features. Issue No.359 was published in August 2002. From 1984, special editions covering Commercial Aviation and Military Aviation have been published each year, the latest edition of the former comprising 230 pages. Previously owned by Grupo Editorial Spagat Ltda.
Further information: Flap International, Rua Professor Artur Ramos, 183- 10 Andar, Edificio ACAL, 01454-905- Sao Paulo- SP. Tel: 55/11/816 4455, Fax: 55/11/210 4186. Flap Internacional website |
| 'HeliAir Helicopteros'
[Editora Sertec, ISSN ? ]
Monthly magazine concentrating on helicopters and rotary wing aviation. Published circa 1999, but had ceased by 2003.
Ceased Publication |
| 'Hobby News'
[ZLC Comunicação e Marketing Ltda, ISSN ? ]
Modelling magazine. Covers Aircraft, Automobiles, Nautical, Plastic and Metal modelling.
Further information: Website: Hobby News |
| 'Manche'
[Paulo Fernando Laux, ISSN ? ]
Subtitled 'Revista Aeronautica/Air Magazine'. Bi-monthly South American aviation enthusiasts magazine. Portuguese text. A5 size, 16 pages each, with b+w photos and centrespread drawings. First issue April 1975. Each issue included news, registrations, articles on (mostly Brazilian) airlines and Air Force units. From Issue 28 renamed South American Aviation News, with English only text, and expanded to 24 pages average. Published by Denis Lima de Carmargo. Ceased publication a year later?
Ceased Publication |
| 'O Modelista'
[ ?, ISSN ? ]
Subtitled 'Hobby e Perfecao'. General interest scale modelling magazine, first published during 2002. Published bi-monthly and had reached issue 4 in mid-2003. Covers aircraft, ships, vehicles etc.
Further information: Website: O Modelismo |
| 'Revista'
[IPMS-Brazil, ISSN ? ]
Published quarterly by Sociedade Brasiliera de Plastimodelista - IPMS Brazil. Portuguese text with some notes in English. Included features on aircraft types operated by the Brazilian Air Force, and on aircraft markings. Published in the mid 1970's. By 1979 renamed Em Escala (see above).
Ceased Publication |
| 'Revista'
[IPMS-Brazil, ISSN ? ]
By the late 1990s, the IPMS Brazil magazine was again renamed fromEm Escala to its present title. Portuguese text with some notes in English. Included features on aircraft types operated by the Brazilian Air Force, and on aircraft markings.
Further information: IPMS Brazil, Rua Lucidio Lago, 457 ap206 Meier, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 20.780-020 |
| 'Revista Aeronáutica'
[ ?, ISSN ? ]
Published between 1976 and 1988, at least. No other information.
Ceased publication |
| 'Revista Forca Aerea'
[Action Editora Ltda, ISSN ? ]
Subtitled 'A Revista Brasiliera de Aviacao Militar'. Official magazine of the Brazilian Air Force. Published quarterly from 1996. Issue 31 was dated June/July/August 2003. Glossy, well-illustrated A4 size magazine covering all aspects of FAB aviation. Includes some coverage of military aviation in other countries.
Further information: Action Editora Ltda., Av. das Américas, 3333 sala 817, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 22.631-003. Tel/Fax: (21) 3325-7229. Website: Forca Aerea website
[*] Contents Listing, No.1 - No.52 |
| 'Revista Sipaer'
[Editora Castell Villar Ltda, ISSN ? ]
Monthly Magazine dealing with flight safety. No further information.
Further information: Rua Barao do Rego Barros 623, Cep. 04612-040 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil. Telefax: 55(11)535-0335. |
| 'Seguranca & Defesa'
[Contec Editora Ltda, ISSN ? ]
Quarterly magazine dealing with military and defence topics, including military aviation.
Further information: Av. das Américas 2300 bloco A / 316, Cep. 22640-101 Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Tel / Fax (0**21) 325-5512. Website: Seguranca & Defesa |
| 'South American Aviation News'
[Denis Lima de Carmargo, ISSN ? ]
From Issue 28, the Portuguese-text magazine 'Manche' was taken over by a new publisher and renamed 'South American Aviation News', with English-only text and expanded to 24 pages average. It remained a bi-monthly South American aviation enthusiasts magazine. A5 size, with b+w photos and centrespread drawings. Each issue included news, registrations, articles on (mostly Brazilian) airlines and Air Force units. Ceased publication about a year later.
Ceased Publication |
| 'Tecnologia & Defesa'
[Tecnologia & Defesa, ISSN ? ]
'Tecnologia & Defesa' magazine was introduced in the Brazilian market in March 1983 by a group of journalists specialising in the Defense and Aerospace areas, being the oldest publication of its kind in circulation in Latin America. The publication covers all areas of military technology, defense, and public security, special emphasis being given to the coverage of international exhibitions. Every issue comprises special interviews with top military, government, and industry personalities. Special Editions are also regularly published covering specific areas of historical, technological, or political interest. Published quarterly.
Further information: Address: Bernardo Guimarães, 119 - Vila Anastácio, CEP 05092-030 - São Paulo - Brazil. Phone/Fax: (+55+11) 3834-6771. Website: Tecnologia & Defesa |
| 'Vruum'
[ ?, ISSN ? ]
Magazine published during 1976. At least 6 issues published.
Ceased Publication |
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