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Mãe Rússia - Museu da Aviação Estratégica, Ryazan

Museum of Long-Range Aviation

Museum of Long-Range Aviation
Dyagilevo is an air base in Ryazanskaya region, located 11 km to the west from Ryazan. There is the Distant Aviation Museum on the base where we will travel today.
Let’s start our excursion from TU-95, the soviet strategic missile bomber, one of the fastest planes that became a symbol of the Cold War. Russian Bear was made to attack anytime of a day, at any weather.

Museum of Long-Range Aviation 2
TU-95 planes have the NK-12 engines, which is the most powerful in the world nowadays.
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 3
TU-95 is one of the loudest planes in the world and can be disclosed even by submarines but it’s not crucial during assault and battery.
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 4
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 5
Defensive equipment consists of 23-mm aviation canons.
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Bomb-load of TU-95 can reach 12000kg.
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 7
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 8
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 9
There is TU-95MS right next to it; this is TU-95 modification which is the foundation of the Russian strategic Air Force. It carries cruise missile H-55.
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Museum of Long-Range Aviation 11
M-4, “Bizon” by NATO classification- the first reactive strategic bomber came in to the army. It was made at the same time with TU-95 but it is faster with the smaller range.
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One of the most beautiful planes with the maximum take-off weight of 181.5 tons, and the speed of 947 km/h on the height of 6700m.
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In this museum there is M-4 modification.
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Museum of Long-Range Aviation 15
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 16
TU-22, Blackfire is the distant supersonic missile bomber with the changeable wing geometry.
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Air vents with the vertical wedge (the horizontal one on TU-22M3) are located on each side of fuselage.
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Museum of Long-Range Aviation 19
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 20
And this is TU-22M2, first was made in Kazanskij aviation plant with its first flight performed on the 7th of May 1973.
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Museum of Long-Range Aviation 22
TU-16, “Barsuk” by NATO codification is the soviet twin-engine, reactive, distant missile bomber.
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 23
During decades TU-16 has been the essential plane in aviation component of USSR strategic forces. TU-16 of sea aviation did monitoring and convoying of USA aircraft-carriers tasks in the whole northern hemisphere. During Afghanistan War TU-16 was used not once to bomb Afghanistan territory. Lots of new modern equipment was put on the plane and in early 90’s it was withdrawn from the army.
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Museum of Long-Range Aviation 25
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 26
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 27
IL-76 “Iskrennij” is the Soviet military transport plane, which is the essential one in military transportation of Russia and Ukraine.
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Museum of Long-Range Aviation 29
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 30
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 31
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 32
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 33
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 34
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 35
Museum of Long-Range Aviation 36
Photo credits: 1


  1. Visite www.bearflighttoliberty.com (em inglês) ou www.bearvueloalalibertad.com (em espanhol) para saber como a tripulação de um TU-95 da Aviação da Marinha Soviética desertou à Canadá em agosto de 1976.

  2. Cara, meus parabéns pelo seu blog, é realmente espetacular! Em plena segunda feira, 8 horas da manhã, fiquei vidrado nas notícias, adorei as fotos de aviação, eu admiro bastante também! Espero voltar sempre.

    Também tenho um blog onde posto sobre ufologia, games, quadrinhos, tecnologia, e ainda não postei muito sobre aviação, pois o blog é novo,ainda bastante tempo para blogar :)

    o endereço é http://aterrize.blogspot.com caso queira olhar.

    Até a próxima visita!!!


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